Art Studio and Gallery Emporium Center Studio 110
100 South Gay Street Knoxville, Tennessee 37901
Contact me at gayla@gayladsealeartist.com
My Art History

I grew up in Bristol, Tennessee.
Many childhood memories include lying
on my Grandmother's quilts in my backyard
and looking up at the clouds on long summer
days and playing in the woods and creeks near
our home. Both my mother and grandmother
were avid quilters and makers. My Grandmother made hand sewn Barbie doll clothes as you can see from my Christmas day modeling in
about 1966. I often drew pictures from my
Mom's magazines when I had to entertain
myself and could draw pictures of most
anything from memory.
Like many other creatives, I studied something other than art in college, because art was not something that I thought of as career option.
My science and business education have
proven to be of great benefit and very much
worthy of my time and effort. My love of
drawing and painting has been interwoven
through the years of work and family life.
My art education has been mostly self study
and adult education. I have had an ongoing
art project on the table most of my adult life.
Creating art has been a constant for me.
I live and work in Knoxville, Tennessee.
My art studio is located in the Emporium Center
on the 100 block of Gay Street in
downtown Knoxville.

Photo credit: ALM Photography